My Story.

My story is filled with trauma and tragedy. At the age of 11, I experienced rape, molestation and abuse at the hands of someone that should have been a place of safety for me. I endured this for 8 years of my life. I was in a great deal of dysfunction and destructive cycles for years until God divinely disrupted my destructive cycles. It was the turning point that brought me back to him and it was the beginning of a healing journey that catapulted me in his presence, in prayer and into wholeness.
God turned trauma and tragedy into triumph and wholeness!
God radically transformed my life and it has been my pursuit since that divine disruption to be to so many women and men what God was for me that day.
I am a Prophet to the Body of Christ, the Founder of Ezer Global Ministries, a mother of 4 amazing children and a spiritual mentor for many. May the pages of this site and all that it offers be a blessing to your healing journey and the unlocking to your unique voice!
Elisha J. Kemper